Sympathy Collections
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent.
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service.
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.